Most generations born on the same day
Miori Mary Mori, Mizuho Mori, Akemi Terada, Fujie Fukuda
4 people
アメリカ合衆国 (Maryville)

The record for the most generations born on the same day is four held by seven families:-

Ralph Bertram Williams (USA) was born on 4 July 1982 in Wilmington, North Carolina. His father, grandfather and in 1876, his great-grandfather were also born on 4 July.

Veera Tuulia Tuijantyär Kivistö (Finland) who was born in 1997, shares her birthday of the 21 March with her mother (1967), her grandfather (1940) and great-grandfather (1903- 1978).

Maureen Werner (USA) was born on 13 October 1998 and shares her birthday with her mother (1970), her grandfather (1938) and great-grandmother (1912).

Jacob Camren Hildebrandt (USA) was born in 2001 and shares his birthday of the 23 August with his father (1966), his grandmother (1944) and great-grandmother (1919).

Mion Masuda (Japan) was born in 2005 and shares his birthday of 26 March with his father (1963), grandfather (1933) and great-grandfather (1899).

Lori Peeler (USA) was born on 13 August 2017 and shares her birthday with her mother (1980), her grandfather (1950) and her great-grandmother (1926).

Miori Mary Mori (Japan) was born on 8 November 2019 and shares her birthday with her mother (1990), her grandmother (1962) and her great-grandmother (1938).

The record-breaking sequence is as follows: Fujie (8/11/1938), Akemi (8/11/1962), Mizuho (8/11/1990) and Miori (8/11/2019). Fujie, Akemi and Mizuho were born in Japan, and Miori was born in the USA.