Most critically acclaimed console first-person shooter (FPS) videogame
Metroid Prime
96.33 percentage
不明な地域 ()

Metroid Prime (Retro Studios/Nintendo, 2002) scored 96.33% from 87 reviews, making it the most critically acclaimed FPS videogame according to Gamerankings. The sci-fi shooter was a GameCube exclusive. Valve's The Orange Box (2007) for Xbox 360 does score slightly more with 96.36% from 58 reviews, but this was a Half-Life 2 compilation that also included the games Portal and Team Fortress.

Metroid Prime is also the most critically acclaimed FPS overall.

However, if Metacritic is used as a source, Metroid Prime would become the joint most critically acclaimed console FPS, tying on 97% with Perfect Dark (N64) and Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox).